Thursday, October 30, 2008

And the winner is...

The Blog Friends Forever award was given to me by Jill of Salem Daily Photo. Thanks very much Jill. You honor me!

Now, it is my turn to pass the award onto five other bloggers according to following rules:

1. Only five people are allowed
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world. (Can that include another part of the U.S.?? I sure hope so Jill, because I don't have anyone that I am aware of that is from a different country. Many visit, but no one has left comments!)
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award

Here are my choices upon whom I am bestowing this wonderful award:

The Jason Show
Mrs. Lincoln

Happy Blogging!

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