1 flank steak
½ cup bread crumbs ( I use Progresso Italian Bread crumbs)
½ cup parmesan cheese
Handful of finely chopped fresh Italian flat leaf parsley
Handful of finely sliced fresh basil
Olive oil
Cooking twine for tying the steak
Large jar of your favorite pasta sauce (I use Classico Tomato Basil)
½ white onion chopped
½ cup red wine
Combine the bread crumbs, cheese, parsley & basil in a bowl. Drizzle olive oil into the bowl and stir to combine until mixture holds together like moist sand in your hand. In other words you don’t want the mixture to be dripping with olive oil, but it needs to hold together enough to stay stuffed in the meat.
Lay the flank steak out flat. Place the stuffing on top of the flank steak and pat down to cover entire surface. Roll the flank steak, like rolling up a sleeping bag, starting at the short end. Tie tightly with string.
Heat a heavy skillet that is oven safe, on the stove. Drizzle olive oil in the pan. Fry the rolled steak 5 minutes on each side. Remove from pan.

Remove from oven and let stand for 20 – 30 minutes before slicing in delicious rounds of tastiness. Serve with scoop of sauce on top.
Simply awesome, very tasty, and this is one of my favorites.
Can you cook it w/o the wine?
@ Kim, Yes. You can cook it without the wine. Use beef broth in place of the wine.
I embrace your Braciole recipe. It looks well worth the effort to make and looks tasty as heck!
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